Announcement conference ADDA5: Digital Infrastructures (May 2025)

ADDA5 | digital infrastructures | Mindlabs Tilburg | May 21-23, 2025


If the rise of ChatGPT and other AI tech underscores anything, it’s the imperative to analyze discourse through its material dimensions of platformed interfaces, cultures, ideologies, and – of course – algorithms. ADDA5 aims to unite scholars interested in the social production of meaning across digital platforms and attention economies. How do ongoing processes of platformization and appification shape, reimagine and constrain digital discourse? How do digital infrastructures across the globe impact the production, dissemination, and consumption of discourse? How do such infrastructures render people (in)visible? ADDA5 will offer a platform for scholars to present research on the infrastructure/agency nexus and critically engage with the materiality of digital discourse. ADDA5 will be convened at Mindlabs, a digital knowledge hub in Tilburg’s city center.


Confirmed keynote speakers:

Alexandra Georgakopoulou,  King’s College London

Britta Schneider, European University Viadrina Frankfurt

Payal Arora, Utrecht University

Tania Bucher, University of Oslo