Next academic year (2023-’24), I will be working on a research project for which I have received an open competition grant from NWO. It is titled Telling Stories, Telling Lies: The Role of Narrative Competence in the Detection and Interpretation of Online Misinformation. In this study, I map out the narrative characteristics of online misinformation and design a measuring instrument for ‘narrative competence’: knowledge of stories and the skills to analyze them. With a large-scale survey study among students, I will investigate whether narrative competence helps in detecting and interpreting online misinformation. The study will provide insight into how we can counteract misinformation through literature education. Below, you can read my full proposal.
Docentontwikkelteam Digitale Geletterdheid (2025)
Docentontwikkelteam: Literatuuronderwijs en digitale geletterdheid (schooljaar 2024-2025) Onder begeleiding van dr. Siebe Bluijs & dr. Inge van de Ven (Tilburg University) Wat kun je in je literatuurlessen doen met fenomenen als Instagrampoëzie of #booktok? Kun je leerlingen inzichten laten opdoen over literair auteurschap aan de hand van ChatGPT? Hoe kun je jeugdliteratuur inzetten om cyberpesten … Read more