

(On)betrouwbare vertellers binnen en buiten het boek. Keynote. Congres Achter de Verhalen. Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, Oct 30- Nov 1.

Attention on Demand: Reading Practices in the Platform-Driven Attention Economy. Digital/Analog Reading: A Symposium. Institute of the Humanities and Global Cultures (IHGC); Reading Lab and Digital Humanities Center, University of Virginia.

Writing and (Re-)Reading in the Attention Economy. With Sonali Kulkarni. A Reading Crisis? The Challenges and Affordances of Reading Generally and Reading Fiction Specifically. University of Stockholm, October 10-11.

Goodreads and the Re-reading Paradox: Affect, Attention, Affordances. With Sonali Kulkarni. Researching the Reading Experience in the Digital Age. Bookternet Conference 2024, Copenhagen, June 26-28.

Meervoudige geletterdheid: literatuur lezen in een aandachtseconomie. Keynote. Netwerkdag 2024, Taalunie, Antwerpen, June 14.

Digital Culture and Hermeneutics: Suspicion, Trust & Dialogue. With Lucie Chateau. Conference Critiquing Big Tech: A Humanities Perspective. June 6-7, Nieuwe Vorst Tilburg.

Aandacht voor irrelevantie. Voskuils Het Bureau als Proto-Databankroman. Gastlezing in De Nieuwste Nederlandse Letterkunde, UvA. May 7.

Who do You Trust in the Postdigital Age? Unreliable Narration in Online Hybrid Discourses. Panel ‘Postdigital Approaches to Narrative’. 2024 Narrative Conference, Newcastle, April 17-19.

Trust in the Postdigital Age: Unreliable Narrators Beyond the Book. Panel ‘When Narrative Goes Postdigital’. LUCAS Conference Narratives: Negotiating Meaning, Knowledge and Identity. Leiden University, April 11-12.

Aandachtsmodulatie en 21e-eeuwse geletterdheid. Met Marloes Robijn. Studiemiddag Diep Lezen. Leesbevorderingslab/Stichting Lezen, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, March 18.


(Dis)Trust in Stories. Towards the Empirical Study of (Un)Reliability in Narrative Fiction. Project Narrative, Ohio State University, Columbus, Oct. 26.

Performing Parenthood: A Scaled Analysis of Online Muslim Parenting Discourse in the Netherlands. With Alex Schenkels. Approaches to Digital Discourse Analysis 4 (ADDA4), 12-14 October, Universität Klagenfurt.

Depp vs Heard: A Digital-Hermeneutics Approach to Trust in Online Culture. SADiLaR DH Colloquium (online).

Can Mind Wandering Positively Contribute to Engagement in Literary Reading? With Myrthe Faber. International Society for the Empirical Study of Literature (IGEL) Conference, Monopoli, Italy, 28-30 September.

(Dis)Trusting Readers: An eyetracking study of readers’ response to unreliable narrators. ENN (European Narratology Network) Conference, Monopoli, Italy, 26-28 September. Accepted.

r/changemyview: a Digital-Hermeneutics Approach to Dialogism in Online Culture. 3rd TSHD Digital Humanities Symposium, June 15 & 16, Tilburg, MindLabs. Accepted.

Scaled Readings & Attention Modulations, or: How to Attend to Literature in the Information Age. . Keynote. OSL (Research School Literary Studies) PhD Day Literary Studies: Tools of the Trade, Utrecht University, June 9.

A Digital-Hermeneutics Approach to Dialogism in Online Culture. Keynote lecture. Linguacultural Spaces: Inclusion, Extension and Identification in Discourse and Society. Symposium, May 30, Universities of Bologna, Glasgow, Tilburg (hybrid).

Reading Overload: Toward a Conscious Digital Literacy in Literary Education. With Siebe Bluijs. Tilburg Center of the Learning Sciences Research Conference, March 15, Tilburg.

True Love On-Screen? Virtual Boyfriends and Girlfriends on TikTok and in ASMR. The Fascinating World of ASMR. Studium Generale Tilburg University, Feb 16.

Anti-Narratives and the Limits of Resilience. With Jenny Slatman. Conference Resilience in the Face of Adversity: A Core Textual Approach, University College Tilburg. Jan 19-20.

Workshop Reading Novels in the Attention Economy. Reading material: No One is Talking About This by Patricia Lockwood. OSL Ravenstein Seminar, January 19. Utrecht.


‘Epistemic Vigilance: Trust & Distrust in Children’s Literature’. With Sonali Kulkarni. Federation of European Literacy Associations, Webinar Children’s Literature Goes Digital. Nov. 17.

Symposium Working with Frictions. Nov 16, Den Haag, Koninklijk Conservatorium.

‘Over het lezen van digitale literatuur’. Keynote. Inspiratiedag Digitale Literatuur. Lochal, Tilburg, September 13.

Response to Mattin, lecture on Social Dissonance (Urbanomic, 2022). Tilburg, Nov 3.

‘Are literary readers close readers? An explorative survey study of reading, attention, and cognitive patience.’ With Frank Hakemulder and Anne Mangen. IGEL conference 2022, Orlando, FL, online. July 14-16.

Workshop ‘Attentional Modulations , Ambient Intimacy & Structures of Affect in Online Media’. With Lucie Chateau. Summer School Communities of Feeling, Research School for Media Studies (RMES), University of Amsterdam, June 16-17.

‘Experiments with attention: Literary reading and attentional modulation.’ Seminar Experimental Form, Experimental Thought? ACLA 2022, Taipei, online. June 15-18.

‘Literary Reading & Attention: Close reading, Skimming, and Cognitive Patience (A Survey-based Study).’ Conference Skriv! Les! 2002, Trondheim, Norway, May 9-11.

‘Trust in Stories. Epistemic Vigilance & Narrative Literacy’. Research Seminar Digital Culture, University of Bergen, May 6.

‘Too Long, Didn’t Read: Close & Hyperreading of Literary Texts & the Modulation of Attention.’ Interfaces PhD/Postdoc Seminar, Reading Center, Unversity of Stavanger, April 22.

Book Launch Big Books in Times of Big Data, Media/Art/Politics, Leiden University, March 21.

‘Hijacking the Attention Economy: Alternating and Sustained Attention in ContraPoints’ Longform YouTube Videos.’ With Lucie Chateau. Transformations of Attention, UCSB Transcriptions Center, Santa Barbara, March 4.


‘Rachel Cusk’s Autofiction: Absurdist Rebellion & Post-truth.’ 25 Years of Infinite Jest: The (After)Lives and Influences of the Work of David Foster Wallace. October 28-30, VU Amsterdam & Amsterdam University College.

‘Virtual attentions: Doing intimacy digitally with ASMR girlfriends and TikTok boyfriends’. Workshop “We are all in this together” – Connectivity and Community in Isolation. ASCA, Amsterdam, 25 June. 14.15.

Seminar ‘Literary reading and attentional modulation’: discussion of a short story. Tilburg University (zoom). May 31, 19.00 (AMS).

‘Platform-based Rules of Notice: Electronic literature and attentional modulation.’ ELO Conference 2021: Platform (Post?) Pandemic. May 26-28.

Seminar ‘Literary Reading, Mind-Wandering & Creativity’. With dr. Myrthe Faber. United Platform for Creativity in Education, May 25. 17.00-18.00 (AMS time). Join here.

Story & the Brain‘ undergraduate discussion group. Literature and Mind @UCSB. Seminar on literary reading and attentional modulation. May 17, 17.00 (PST).

TL;DR? Literary reading in the attention economy. Literature and Mind, UC Santa Barbara. Prerecorded lecture and discussion. Feb 08.


Het lezen van literaire teksten in een aandachtseconomie. Keynote. Wetenschappelijk congres De Nieuwe Lezer: Lezen in het digitale tijdperk. Stichting Lezen, Amsterdam, Dec 10. Kan tijdelijk hier teruggekeken worden.

Scales of Reading. Digital Humanities in South Africa: How to Get Started. Webinar, Sept 10.

Roundtable discussion on the work of Elena Ferrante, Book presentation Dutch translation La vita bugiarda degli adulti, Stadsbibliotheek Utrecht, Aug 31.

Bridging the Gap between Culture Studies and Computational Linguistics. With Menno van Zaanen. Twin Talks 3: Virtual Workshop Understanding and Facilitating Collaboration in DH, Clarin, 23-07.

I Like Big Books. Waarom nog dikke boeken lezen en schrijven in een aandachtseconomie? Heidag WPG Uitgevers, Amsterdam. Mar 4.

Image: Flow III, Anna den Drijver, photographs