
For Diggit Magazine, I write on a broad range of topics related to art, media and online culture: https://www.diggitmagazine.com/authors/van-de-ven

For my blog on Cognition and Culture, I write about the intersections between art, media and cognition: http://cognitionandculture.net/blogs/inge-van-de-ven/


Big Books in Times of Big Data (Leiden UP, 2019)

Digital Culture and the Hermeneutic Tradition: Suspicion, Trust, and Dialogue. With Lucie Chateau. Routledge. 2024.

Articles & Stuff


Van de Ven, I., & Van Gemert, T. (2024) Resisting Attention Economies: Wallace, Voskuil & the Ethics of Noise. Diacritics.

Van de Ven, I., & Van der Beek, S. Tunnel Vision: The Role of Trust, Reliability and Vigilance in the Reception of the Dutch TV-show Wie Is de Mol? <revising>

Creative Reading in the Information Age. The Oxford Handbook of Creativity in Education. Eds. Jennifer Katz-Buonincontro and Todd Kettler. May 2025. In press.

Chapter 15: The Printed Book in the Digital Age. Cambridge Companion to Literature in the Digital Age. Ed. Adam Hammond. Cambridge: Cambridge UP. In press.


It’s Not a Game! Rules of Notice and the Hermeneutics of Suspicion in Contemporary FMV Games. Games and Culture 19(2), 158-177. DOI: 10.1177/15554120231161180.

Behind the Curtain: 1984’s Aesthetics of Immediacy. Diggit Magazine, 25-01.


Bernaerts, L., Bluijs, S., & Van de Ven, I. Hoe de Nederlandse literatuur het internet bedenkt. Inleiding. Nederlandse Letterkunde 28(2). 113-24. https://doi.10.5117/NEDLET.2023.2.001.BERN

Aandacht voor irrelevantie. Voskuils Het Bureau als Proto-Databankroman. Nederlandse Letterkunde, 28(2). 155-182. https://doi.10.5117/NEDLET.2023.2.003.VEN

van de Ven, I., Hakemulder, F., & Mangen, A. (2023). ‘TL;DR’ (Too Long; Didn’t Read)? Cognitive Patience as a Mode of Reading: Exploring Concentration and Perseverance. Scientific Study of Literature, 12(1), 68–86. https://doi.org/10.61645/ssol.176   

Attentional modulation in literary reading: A theoretical-empirical framework. Orbis Litterarum, 00, 1–18. https://doi.org/10.1111/oli.12431

‘Gonna Get You, Baby!’ A qualitative-empirical study of attentional modulation in reading a short story. Language & Literature, 32(4), 385–478. https://doi.org/10.1177/09639470231202261

Kom erbij in de leesbubbel! Review of De Lezende Mens. De Betekenis van het Boek voor ons Bestaan. Adriaan Hisgen en Ruud van der Weel. Atlas Contact. Vooys, Tijdschrift voor Letteren 41.1.


With Lien Denoo: Of Caring Connections: Well-being, Entrepreneurship & Technology. The Good of the University. Critical Perspectives from the Tilburg Young Academy. Tilburg University Press. Open access.

Literatuur in de aandachtseconomie. Omdat lezen loont. Op naar effectief leesonderwijs in Nederland. Eds. Yra van Dijk, Micha Hamel, Marie-José Klaver en Els Stronks. Huizen: Pica.

Personal Attentions:  Alleviating Loneliness and Isolation through Virtual Girlfriends and Boyfriends. Mediatization of Emotional Life. Eds. Katarzyna Kopecka-Piech & Mateusz Sobiech. Research in Cultural and Media Studies series. Routledge.

With Suzanne van der Beek: Chasing the Mole. Participation and creativity around the Dutch TV show Wie is de Mol? Quarterly Review of Film and Video. March 9.

Digitale Cultuur. Vakdidactisch Handboek Werkgroep Onderzoek en Didactiek Nederlands. https://didactieknederlands.nl/handboek/2022/01/digitale-cultuur/


With Tom van Nuenen: Digital Hermeneutics: Scaled Readings of Online Depression Discourses. Medical Humanities Online prepub. 14 Oct.

Intimate Distractions: Fleabag’s Manipulations of Audience Attention. Continuum: Journal of Media & Cultural Studies. March 19. Open access.

Clash of Cultures or Fusion of Horizons? The hermeneutic challenges of a visiting scholar in China. Cross-Cultural Perspectives on China, Vol. II  跨文化视角下的中国:外国专家的中国文化故事(第2辑. Shanghai Foreign Language Press.

Platform-based Rules of (Un)Notice. Digital literature and attentional modulation. ELO conference Platform (Post?) Pandemic. ELMCIP Electronic Literature Knowledge Base.

Het lezen van literaire teksten in een aandachtseconomie. In E. Segers & R. van Steensel (eds.), De Nieuwe Lezer. Lezen in het Digitale Tijdperk. Stichting Lezen Reeks vol. 34. Amsterdam: Eburon, 35-49.


With Ties van Gemert: “Filter bubbles and guru effects: Jordan B. Peterson as a public intellectual in the attention economy.” Celebrity Studies, prepub online Nov. 18.

With Jenny Slatman: “Gut feelings: depression as an embodied and affective phenomenon in Houellebecq’s Serotonin”. Medical Humanities. Published online first: 20 August 2020. PDF.

“Guys and Dolls. Gender, Scale, and the Book in Elena Ferrante’s Neapolitan Novels and Karl Ove Knausgård’s My Struggle.” Scandinavian Studies 91.3. 2020. 296-324.

“Literatuurwetenschappers, sluit de boeken! Ironie, ambiguïteit, en het belang van close reading online.” Vooys. Tijdschrift voor Letteren 38.2, 27-37.

With Tom van Nuenen: “Digital Hermeneutics and Media Literacy: Teaching the Red Pill across Horizons.” Tilburg Papers in Culture Studies 201, paper 241.

“Beyond Interpretation: Tactility, Immanence, & the Erotics of Seeing.” In Joost de Jonge, Painted Poetry and Painterly Poetics. An Ekphrastic Notion Vol. III. Ljubljana: Versopolis. Prepublished at https://painted-poetry.netlify.com


With Hannah Ackermans: “Electronic Literature in the Database & The Database in Electronic Literature.” КОММУНИКАЦИИ. МЕДИА. ДИЗАЙН /Communications. Media. Design 4.4, 2020. 5-18. PDF.

With Tom van Nuenen: “Dialogical Hermeneutics as an Alternative Model for Literary Imagination. A Critique of Ethical Criticism.” Literature and Interculturality I. Intercultural Research series Vol. 8. Ed. Michael Steppat. Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press.

With Christoph Aurnhammer, Iris Cuppen, & Menno van Zaanen. “Manual Annotation of Unsupervised Models: Close and Distant Reading of Politics on Reddit.” Digital Humanities Quarterly 13.3, 2019.

“Creatieve Geletterdheid: Close Reading, Hyper-reading en Modulatie van Aandacht.” TNTL: Tijdschrift voor Nederlandse Taal- en Letterkunde 135.2, 181-99.


“The Monumental Knausgård: Big Data, Quantified Self, and Proust for the Facebook Generation.” Narrative 26.3, October. 320-38.

The Public Antagonist and Martyr: Reading A.H.J. Dautzenberg against Literary Typologies. Werkwinkel, Journal of Low Countries and South African Studies 12.2, 2018. 65-80.

“Revisiting the Book-as-World: World-Making and Book Materiality in Only Revolutions and The Atlas.” Book Presence in a Digital Age, eds. Kári Driscoll & Jessica Pressman. London: Bloomsbury. 225-46.

With Tom van Nuenen: “Revaluing the Earth through the Book-Bound Novel.” Literature and Interculturality II. Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press. (volume in preparation)

With Kári Driscoll: “Book Presence and Feline Absence: A Conversation with Mark Z. Danielewski.” Book Presence in a Digital Age, eds. Kári Driscoll and Jessica Pressman. London: Bloomsbury. PDF.

“Too Much to Read? Negotiating Legibility between Close and Distant Reading.” Legibility in the Age of Signs & Machines. Eds. Esther Peeren, Pepita Hesselberth, and Janna Houwen, Ruby de Vos. Leiden & Boston: Brill. 180-96.


“Creative Reading in the Information Age: Paradoxes of Close and Distant Reading.” The Journal of Creative Behavior 51.4. 156-64.

“Size Matters: Karl Ove Knausgård’s Min Kamp and Roberto Bolaño’s 2666 as (Anti-)Monumental Novels.” Materializing Memories in Art and Popular Culture, eds. László Munteán, Liedeke Plate and Anneke Smelik. London: Routledge. 106-22.

With Tom van Nuenen: “Teaching Dialogical Hermeneutics in a Transcultural Setting: The Case of Disneyland Shanghai.” China Intercultural Communication Annual, 2nd vol. Ed. Steve Kulich and Alex English. Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Publisher, Beijing. 329-48.

“Den monumentale Knausgård. Big data, et kvantificeret jeg, og Proust for Facebook-generationen.” Så tæt på livet som muligt. Tolkninger af Karl Ove Knausgårds Min kamp. Ed. Claus Elholm Andersen. Hellerup: Spring/ Alvheim&Eide.


“The Serial Novel in an Age of Binging: How to Read Mark Z. Danielewski’s The Familiar.” Image [&] Narrative 17.4, 2016. 91-103. PDF.

“Karl Ove Knausgård and the Serial Self.” Between – Journal of the Italian Association for the Theory and Comparative History of Literature 6.2, 2016. 31-49. PDF.


“Het Monumentale Alledaagse. Karl Ove Knausgård’s Mijn Strijd, Big Data en het Kwantificeerbare Zelf.” Vooys. Tijdschrift voor Letteren 33.1, 2015. 29-38.


With Kiene Brillenburg Wurth and Sara Rosa Espi: “Visual Text and Media Divergence: Analogue Literary Writing in a Digital Age.” European Journal of English Studies 17.1, 92-108.


“Posthumously Speaking: Thanatography in a Posthuman Age.” Frame, Journal of Literary Studies 25.1, 2012. 47-68. PDF.

“Sentimenteel gesnuffel: digitalisering en het aura van de tekst.” Essaybundel Ramsj!, Literair Productiehuis Wintertuin, ed. Noortje Kessels. 2012.

Conference Proceedings

“Platform-based Rules of (Un)Notice. Digital literature and attentional modulation.” ELO conference Platform (Post?) Pandemic, 2021. Abstract.

“Het lezen van literaire teksten in een aandachtseconomie.” Congresbundel De nieuwe lezer. Stichting Lezen, 2021.

“Bridging the Gap between Culture Studies and Computational Linguistics.” With Menno van Zaanen. Twin Talks. Proceedings of the Twin Talks 2 and 3 Workshops at DHN 2020 and DH 2020, eds.  Stephen Krauwer & Darja Fišer. 23-07-2020. PDF.

“Negotiating close and distant reading: Heteroglossia and networks in Zadie Smith’s White Teeth”. With Charmian Lim, Margaret Steenbakker & Menno van Zaanen. Conference proceedings DH/Benelux, 2018. PDF.

“Myriad Shades of Grey. Digital Hermeneutics and The Red Pill.”. With Tom van Nuenen. L3 Conference Proceedings. Global Forum for Science and Technology, 2017. DOI: 10.5176/2251-3566_L317.133

“Analyzing reading strategies: bridging the gap between close and distant reading.” With Christoph Aurnhammer, Iris Cuppen & Menno van Zaanen.Conference proceedings DH/Benelux, 2017

You can also find me here

Co-host platform Digital Hermeneutics

My researchgate page

Academia.edu page

Tilburg university faculty page


Image: Cy Twombly, Untitled, 1971, gouache, graphite, crayon and oil on paper, 27 x 34 inches (68.6 x 86.4 cm). © Cy Twombly Foundation / Photo: Johansen Krause. Fragment.